the 3-week

start from experience sprint

when you already know what you want...

Sometimes, you’ve already done the heavy lifting. You have your requirements or user stories already documented and approved — and you’re itching to get started.

We built the 3 week start from experience sprint for clients who know exactly where they’re going — they simply don’t know how they’re going to get there.

focus on you, your users, and your outcomes

Our 3-week sprint is the fastest, most efficient way of creating products your customers love, and prospects desire.

We’re hyper-focussed on understanding your business, your customers and your market so tension can take what we learn, add our experience magic, and build effective relationships and digital journeys between you and your customers.

bespoke experiences

become one with your company

Before we can design on your behalf, we need to truly and deeply embody the personality, behaviours and mannerisms of your company — then, and only then, can we really translate who you are into your experiences.

emphasize with your users' pains

When building for your customers, the experiences you deliver need to strike a chord, pull on their heartstrings, as well as provide value, achieve objectives, solve problems and resolve pains in a simple, efficient and effective manner.

guaranteed fixed time and budget

Digital experiences today are the most prominent relationship between you and your customers. When an equilibrium is established, customer and company can build mutual trust, respect, value and appreciation, not to mention loyalty.

how do projects work at tension

create products & services that magically feel like the digital embodiment of your company’s brand, and build stronger, lasting bonds with your customers

build exemplary experiences

Your product or service should behave and feel like they’re dealing with you directly — it should weave the personality, voice, tone and essence of your brand into every interaction, engagement and click,  extending your relationship with your users, every step of the way.

you're ready.
we're ready. let's go!

Our 3-week Start from Experience sprint gives us the foundation to design experiences that are authentic, engaging and 100% you.

Thank you!
We’ll be in touch soon. If you’re eager to chat with us — you can always book a meeting with us right here: book now!
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a highly engaging, immersive way to co-design experiences

Based on our unique Product & Experience Strategy Sprint, condensed and concentrated to address the needs of clients who’ve already defined their scope, pre-set their features, written their stories and need to build outstanding UX and design.

For these clients, getting the ball moving quickly and with precise intent is critical, so we created our Start From Experience Sprint to allow us to focus on the experience-specific aspects, and involving our clients customers earlier.

In this Sprint model, we still dig deep into your brand, your personality and your business objectives. We also endeavour to embody your target customers, and build effective digital bridges between the two. And best of all, in 3 short weeks you’ll walk away with a high-level UX concept, which will be a great starting point for prototyping and user testing.

In 3 weeks we'll explore

  • Who you are as a business, a service provider or a product
  • Who your ideal customers are, an why they should care
  • What their current state looks like without you
  • What it will look and feel like at a high level

Tension is incredible to work with. Hard-working, diligent and truly customer obsessed. They deliver fantastic value at very fair rates and I have always seen them go above and beyond for their customers.

Scott McTavish
VP, Strategy & Corporate Development at Purdys Chocolatier


phase one: understand

phase one: understand

Initial burning questions survey

We’ll put together an initial list of questions and unknowns that will be important to understand so that we can hit the ground running as early as possible.

User archetype interviews

To get a better sense of the situational contexts and gain empathy for each of the core user archetypes of your product or service in order to inform the workshops, design, and direction.

Workshop 1:
your business purpose

We’ll dig deep into who YOU are by doing a few brand exercises that will answer key questions about your voice, mission, purpose, and value proposition so we can build it into your experience.

Workshop 2: exploring user archetypes

By digging into your users, we’ll draft a better understanding of the wants, needs, pains, and challenges of each of the identified archetypes your product or service intends to serve.

Workshop 3: current state user journeys

We’ll then explore the end-to-end experience of each Archetype across their lifecycle to understand where you can add value, remove obstacles and pains, and embed wonder and joy.


phase two: innovate

phase two: innovate

War Room

A window into a designers mind, we transparently and vulnerably invite your team into our design process, hand sketching out solutions in their rawest form for early feedback and insights.

Defining the Experience Strategy

This is where the concepts all come together cohesively and collectively to define the personality, behaviour and tone of your product or service — and guides the overall experience.

Product & Experience Strat. Documentation

At the end of the strategy phase, we will compile all our artefacts, findings, reco’s, and outcomes into a single, summative document which will lay the foundation for the experience phase.

now that you've got the plan,
what comes up next I up to you...

need the what,
not just the how?

Grappling with what your product or service should do, what it should offer, or simply how to get ahead of your competitors?

Our 5-week Product & Experience Strategy Sprint will answer all your questions, define your future, identify where you should and shouldn’t spend your time and money to grow your business, and set out a reasonable path to achieve it all, in a 3 stage roadmap.

contact us

need to augment your existing
team with brilliant experts?

We get it, sometimes all you need is a few really good extra hands, and at tension, all we have is really good, talented and experienced hands. 

If you’re looking to temporarily grow your team for a specific project or initiative, or simply have more effort hours than bodys, let’s talk about how we can support.