the 7-week

prototype, test, learn, validate sprint


designing with users is the only way to get it right

We design for your customers, with your customers. This allows us to see how our designs and experiences are working for your users as we create them, tweaking, optimising and pivoting as we go.

The end result is a product your customers love, because their voices shape the final product itself: what it does, how it does it, and the ways it helps them accomplish their most important goals.

validate ideas
& experiences before building 

Our 7-week prototype and testing methodology allows you to build with confidence. It ensures that what you code, will be what your customers and users are looking for. No more build it and they will come, no more failed product launches.

Remove the anxiety of product launches, and go-to-market confident that what you built, is what your customers want.

build. test. learn. fail. iterate. repeat. succeed. grow.

build the right things, in the right way

involving real customers early

We engage users all the way through the design and prototyping process — designing with them, not just for them. It allows us to learn early, adjust quickly, pivot as needed and design solutions that your customers can't wait to use.

build. test. iterate. test. validate.

Because we test and validate with your users continuously, we see where user roadblocks are occurring at design-time. This allows us to A/B test and iterate approaches as we design, resulting in seamless, intuitive user experiences.

prove it before you code it

Comprehensive prototypes that behave like your final product also help speed up development, minimizes extensive documentation, and reduces deviations from the initial product concept in the final developed solution. it’s a win-win.

design with customers. build with certainity.  

don’t waste time, money and resources designing in a vacuum — co-define your solutions with the people who need it, want it and are willing to pay for it

go-to-market confidently

Prove your product, features and experience before a single line of code is written. Know your users, customers and prospects will be drawn to your product or service, and stay loyal customers longer. Test it, iterate it, validate it, then build it.

our methods make your product better

Our 7-week Prototype, Test, Learn & Validate Sprint allows you to wow customers, satisfy users, and deliver the right results

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build products & services you
know your customers will love

We’ve found that 7-weeks is the sweetspot for most of our clients, regardless of the complexity, or size or scope of the project. 

Our prototype and testing methodology is broken out into three phases: 2 weeks of turning our early concept into a functional, interactive prototype covering key, baseline capabilities. This is followed by three weeks of intensive testing, expanding, iterating and revising the prototype directly with users. Finally, we use the last 2 weeks of the engagement to finalize, document and annotate our research, wireframes, and prototype.

Our prototypes behave as close to a final product as you can get without coding it. We build conditionality, variables, edge cases and error states into each prototype so when your customers interact with it, we get to observe how they really use it. What they do, and why they did it. 

In 7 week we'll:

  • Build out a baseline prototype and experience for testing
  • Build in handling for real word scenarios, errors and edge cases
  • Perform 3 weeks 1:1 hands-on testing with your customers
  • Learn from their experiences, tweaking and optimizing as we go
  • Continuously factor in customer and client feedback
  • Continuously expand the prototype until fully functional
  • Document research findings, wireframe annotations and specs
  • Deliver final prototype, wireframes, and UX specifications

They truly want to understand the end user and how their project brings value to the entire organization's strategy. I would recommend working with tension in a heartbeat!

Usman Sheikh
Founder / CEO of xiQ


phase one: test. learn. iterate.

phase one: test. learn. iterate.

Information architecture & user flows

We’ll define and diagram the high-level organization of your product or service, map interaction flows and capability flows early for validation and confirmation.

Detailed interaction

How a product or service reacts to user input or action is key to establishing the personality and experience of your product or service, and can be what differentiates you from competitors.

user experience design

During the 7-weeks, we document the entire experience for your product or service. UI Design and development can begin confidently knowing that we’ve mapped it all out already.

product / service

Wireframes act as a blueprint for design and development, giving backend developers the parameters they need to architect the solution, and the bones onto which the design will be crafted.

High-interaction-fidelity prototype for testing

Our prototypes act and feel like real apps. Handling various scenarios, edge cases and contexts — so we can observe real user behaviour, in real situations, with real app experiences.

3 rounds of hands-on, 1:1 usability testing

By baking testing into the design process, we watch how users interact earlier, learn faster, can pivot sooner, and identify how to wow your users every step of the way.


phase two: lock it in

phase two: lock it in

Review &
validate with business

Throughout the process, we share and review the prototype with our clients, factor in feedback where needed, and even open user testing sessions for observation by your team.

UX & capability specifications

Near the end of the 7-weeks, we’ll document the wireframes, identify capabilities and document behaviours so there’s no room for misinterpretation by designers or developers.

Research summary 

We’ll also deliver a detailed research summary report, documenting our findings, their significance, and what actions we took to resolve them, for each of the three rounds of testing.

got the strategy, ux, prototyping & testing done? Let's make it beautiful

contact us

need to augment your existing
team with brilliant experts?

We get it, sometimes all you need is a few really good extra hands, and at tension, all we have is really good, talented and experienced hands. 

If you’re looking to temporarily grow your team for a specific project or initiative, or simply have more effort hours than bodys, let’s talk about how we can support.