product & experience strategy team subscription

what is fractional

extend your existing team, add a work pod, replace an underperforming team, or get your startup started right with strategy, UX & design talent for the first time

your external internal team

With fractional, tension’s seasoned pros are at your disposal, working with you as if we were your own internal team to create, innovate, optimise and maintain your products & services.

We’re a phone call, email or daily standup away. It’s the best of both worlds: ongoing access to a seasoned, experienced team of designers at a fraction of the cost of hiring your own internal team.

learn how fractional can work for you

Let's talk about how companies, big and small, are leveraging tension's highly skilled resources fractionally to drive success.

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Initially, we created our Fractional model to be accessible, affordable, and valuable while giving startups access to top-tier user experience and design resources earlier in the development of their products and services, regardless of stage or funding. Due to its low cost, fractional allows us to help startups build stronger, more robust experience-driven foundations for their products earlier, to help drive growth, customer acquisition and loyalty.

What we didn’t expect was how in-demand it would be with large corporations and development partners.

When quality, efficiency, speed and effectiveness matter, tension's Fractional works, regardless of the size of company.

With Fractional, we’re at your disposal, working with you as if we were your own internal team. From projects to continuous improvement, we’re a phone call, email or daily standup away. Best of all, you decide how much or how little time and resources you need to best suit your unique needs: secure our UX and Design resources anywhere from 5 to 20 hours a week — and we’re all yours, guaranteed.

why fractional is right for you

ongoing strategy, UX & design help

With fractional, you subscribe to our team for a set number of hours a week, on a 3-month cycle. Scale it up, or down as required each cycle. Ad-hoc hours above your subscription are billed as required. Easy peasy.

multiple projects or initiatives

Have a lot on your plate? No problem. We can switch gears quickly, jump back & forth, and ramp up as needed. Control what we work on and when with a shared KANBAN. Create, delete, reprioritize, redirect. We’re all yours.

maintaining a large product

Fractional is perfect for large projects or programs with continuous improvement lifecycles. Right-size your subscription and count on tension to always be on your side, driving the ball forward every day, every standup, every release.

in today's mostly remote-work world, what does 'in-house' even mean anymore?

When you have a team ready to go whenever you need them, whether they're on-site, or on payroll doesn't matter. What matters is that you have a highly skilled team that knows your business, and gets results.

Workbench experience rearchitecture and design

xiQ’s Workbench is a powerhouse content marketing machine. We reimagined the experience to allow anyone to take advantage of, to automate their content creation, quickly, easily and authentically.

the best team you'll ever have

Can’t, or don’t want to hire full time product strategy, UX or design resources? Want to extend your existing UX and design team cost-effectively or want to add a pod to focus on a special initiative?

Tension's Fractional is the most fiscally responsible way to go. Simply pick your team size and available hours per week, and subscribe — you’ll have access to our highly talented resources, on demand.

hiring is hit and miss –– trust us

You can keep trying to find qualified staff in a sea of grads taught to build a portfolio rather than execute real design in real situations, or bring our expert team on fractionally. It’s up to you.

Even in our own hiring, we made mistakes early, and paid dearly for the error. We’ll never make that mistake again, and when you work with us, you won’t have to worry about making it either.