the 5-week

product & experience
strategy sprint

establish real product market fit, right now

Tension is focussed on elevating our clients from market players, to market leaders.

We explore your company ethos, your customer's mindsets, and the state of the market to help identify what the true Problems most Worth Solving, and the Solutions most Worth Building are in order to truly innovate, gain market advantage, and ignite explosive growth.

roadmap your strategic path
to success

The future is big, and not something to be consumed in a single bite. Which is why we define an ideal future state as a flag-post for success, and work backwards with a crawl, walk & run roadmap.

Focussing initial releases on a mix of foundational capabilities and extraordinarily desirable features, not only do we map your businesses future — we show you how to get there.

the company-making

growth engine

innovate with confidence

co-defining your future, together

Our 5-week sprint is an intensive, interactive interplay of workshops, homework, customer interviews and brainstorming sessions that allow us to guide our clients on an exploration of unexpected, and exciting, possibilities.

by experience

Tension takes all we learn, blend it with radical imagination, and distill it into unique, bespoke and highly innovative experiences that draw customers to your business, solve their biggest pains, and ignite their imaginations.

set the bar higher for your market

Not to brag, but each and every client who’s gone through our 5-week sprint has had the exact same reaction:
what tension delivers at the end is company-making, market-defining, and wonderfully exceeds all expectations.

enabling growth through experience

leap ahead of competitors with market-defining and growth-enabling product & experience strategies that attract new customers, and keep them happy

don't just play,

In today’s market, it’s not enough to solve a problem, fill a gap, or be the first. You must consistently deliver more value, more often than anyone else. Innovation isn’t a luxury today, nor an exercise reserved for the established, it’s a baseline.

ready to take it
to the next level?

Our 5-week product & experience strategy engagement is a brilliant, company-making investment for your startup.

Thank you!
We’ll be in touch soon. If you’re eager to chat with us — you can always book a meeting with us right here: book now!
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a battle-tested, unique approach
to discovery & strategy

For the last three and a half years tension has employed our unique Product & Experience Strategy Sprint with every single client we’ve worked with. Our unique sprint model has always focussed on getting the best information, data and insights from our clients, and to collectively define the purpose, meaning, value and strategy so that tension can create products, services and experiences for our clients that work, resonate with their target customers, and drive acquisition and growth and reduce attrition.

Over the years, we’ve tweaked, tailored and experimented heavily to find the perfect mix of inquiries and activities to set us, and our clients, up with a solid foundation upon which to build successful digital engagements and initiatives. After running over 30+ sprints with our clients, we’ve distilled and crystallized our process into something magical.

In 5 weeks we'll explore

  • Who you are as a business, a service provider or a product
  • Who your ideal customers are, and why they should care
  • What their current state looks like without you
  • Problem identification and prioritisation
  • The ideal future state, and how best to capitalize on it
  • Solution identification and prioritisation
  • What you should build, and not build. Why, and in what order
  • What it will look and feel like at a high level

I don't think it can be understated how much this could be company-making… I think the work [tension] put together is fantastic, …this has really reinvigorated where I believe franki can go.

Nick Bennett
Head of Product at franki


phase one: understand

phase one: understand

Initial burning questions survey

We’ll put together an initial list of questions and unknowns that will be important to understand so that we can hit the ground running as early as possible.

User archetype interviews

To get a better sense of the situational contexts and gain empathy for each of the core user archetypes of your product or service in order to inform the workshops, design, and direction.


We’ve created worksheets that we’ll distribute in advance of the workshops, and use your work as inputs during our co-creation sessions. This allows us to make the most of our time together.

Workshop 1:
your business purpose

We’ll dig deep into who YOU are by doing a few brand exercises that will answer key questions about your voice, mission, purpose, and value proposition so we can build it into your experience.

Workshop 2: exploring user archetypes

By digging into your users, we’ll draft a better understanding of the wants, needs, pains, and challenges of each of the identified archetypes your product or service intends to serve.

Workshop 3: current state user journeys

We’ll then explore the end-to-end experience of each Archetype across their lifecycle to understand where you can add value, remove obstacles and pains, and embed wonder and joy.


phase two: innovate

phase two: innovate

Identifying the problems most worth solving

Bringing all we’ve heard together, we’ll theme, define and collate the problems into a comprehensive, weighted matrix which helps surface the problems of the highest priority with the highest return.

Workshop 4: Future state user journeys

Exploring the “what might be” for your future users allows us to identify key solutions to the prioritised problems, and co-create unique and innovative experiences for your customers.

Prioritising the solutions most worth building

Similar to the problems, we use the future state journey workshop to surface solutions to the most challenging problems, and document / prioritise them in the same matrix.

War Room

A window into a designers mind, we transparently and vulnerably invite your team into our design process, hand sketching out solutions in their rawest form for early feedback and insights.

Defining the Experience Strategy

This is where the concepts all come together cohesively and collectively to define the personality, behaviour and tone of your product or service — and guides the overall experience.

Business Casing and 3-stage Roadmap

Not everything can or should fit into the MVP. We’ll define future releases that will chunk out the work effort, but also make each release promotable and marketable with flag-post features.

Workshop 5: Engagement Validation

A critical validate and augment workshop focussed on the strategy and experience direction to gain alignment prior to commencing the work experience phase.

Product & Experience Strat Documentation

At the end of the strategy phase, we will compile all our artefacts, findings, recos, and outcomes into a single, summative document which will lay the foundation for the experience phase.

now that you've got the plan,
what comes up next is up to you...

already done
your homework?

When you know what your product or service has to do, you just don’t know how it will do it, our product & experience strategy sprint might be overkill. 

Our condensed 3-week start from experience sprint focusses exclusively on your business, your market and your customers to design experiences that deliver, differentiate, and resonate.

contact us

need to augment your existing
team with brilliant experts?

We get it, sometimes all you need is a few really good extra hands, and at tension, all we have is really good, talented and experienced hands. 

If you’re looking to temporarily grow your team for a specific project or initiative, or simply have more effort hours than bodys, let’s talk about how we can support.